I parked my vehicle and started out on the blacktop (one of only a handful of paved roads in the county).
I walked past some of the nicer homes.
Some of the cabins. Some of the yards and features.
There are still a few old sheds or, as the realtors sometimes refer to them, cozy rustic cabins.
It really is a nice place to take a walk, though, with a few nice places to look at the lake and a calm and peaceful place to take a walk, especially this time of year. Daylight is a rare commodity as it is getting light by the time I leave for work and dark when I come home. Weekends and days off are the only chance to really enjoy it, but always at the mercy of the weather. Today was cloudy, but lovely.
Even though the sky was mostly gray the drab colors of late fall didn't look too bad. Of course, Croftville is in its own "banana belt" where the lake moderates the temperature and humidity. It always tends toward cool and damp, but the lake is still warmer than the air and the humidity is offsetting the dryness of the coming winter. I was joking with one of the residents there a week or two ago telling her that I heard it only snows a couple of times per winter there which is a good thing as she drives a Prius with highway tires.
That is the Coast Guard station in town in the distance.
The surprising thing that I had never noticed before while just taking a leisurely drive down the Croftville Road were these.
The speed limit on this road is only 20mph, but walking gives you a much better chance to see what you have been missing. I think I'll take advantage of this road on weekends if I have to go to town or maybe after work when the days start getting longer. That may be the end of February, but at least the mosquitoes won't be an issue then and besides, I can walk faster than they can fly.
As always, click the pic to embiggen.